Ahịa Ngwaọrụ Middle East na-enwe oke ngwa ngwa, na-ebugharị site na-ebugharị site na ịbawanye itinye ahụike na ịba ụba itinye aka na nsogbu siri ike nke ọrịa na-adịghị ala ala. Dị ka ọmụmaatụ, a na-eme atụmatụ banyere ya ka ọ hụ ahịa ngwaọrụ ahụike RMB site na 2030, pọmpụ nri na-esite n'ihe dị mkpa iji rite uru na mgbasawanye a.
The infusion pump industry is undergoing a transformation towards smart, portable, and precise devices. Nkpuru ihe eji eme ihe ugbua bu ihe nlere anya na ikike mbupu ahia, na-enyere ndi n'enye aka ike ileta ọgwụgwọ nwere ndidi na ezi oge ma mee mgbanwe di nkpa. This evolution enhances the efficiency and accuracy of medical services, aligning with the global trend towards intelligent healthcare solutions.
Companieslọ ọrụ ndị China apụtawo dị ka ndị egwuregwu dị na Ngalaba Ngwurugwu, Liver Took Tecoly na mmekọrịta nke onwe ha. At Arab Health 2025, several Chinese firms highlighted their latest products:
• Yuwell ọgwụ: webatara ọtụtụ ngwaahịa, gụnyere onye na-elekọta mmụọ na oxygen na-ehi ụra, na-egosi ike ha na ebumnuche ahụike dị iche iche. O doro anya na Yuwell mara ọkwa atụmatụ na nkwekọrịta nkwekọrịta nkwado na US-Dabere na Nkwado, na-achọ ịkwalite ọnụnọ zuru ezu na teknụzụ ha na teknụzụ ha.
●KellyMed, the first manufacturer of infusion pump and syrine pump, feeding pump in China since 1994, this time not only exhibit infususion pump, syringe pump, enteral feeding pump, also exhibit entereal feeding set, infusion set, blood warmer… Attract many customers .
The exhibition underscored the importance of international collaborations. Yuwell's partnership with Inogen exemplifies how Chinese companies are expanding their global footprint through strategic alliances. A na-atụ anya mmezi ụdị mmepe na ikuchi teknụzụ na teknụzụ infusion dị elu, na-agwa ndị na-eto eto na-eto eto na-eto eto chọrọ na Middle East na Middle East na ndị ọzọ.
In conclusion, Arab Health 2025 highlighted the dynamic growth and innovation within the infusion pump industry. Site na mmekorita nke teknụzụ na njikọta nke njikọta nke teknụzụ, nke ọma iji mezuo mkpali na ahịa ahụike zuru ụwa ọnụ.
Oge post: Feb-17-2025